Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just an ordinary day

Lucy loves to sit by you while you are on your playmat and just stare. She can't wait for you to get older so you can play with her. She just LOVES kids!

You are sitting in your boppy pillow and try to pull your head up so hard.

You love your tummy time. You never complain and will lay and stare at me while I lay next to you. You will turn your head side to side until you finally get tired and just go to sleep. You will sleep for hours on your tummy. You sleep better on your tummy than you do your back.

You also like your side.

Papa to the rescue

So Papa was a great babysitter and let mom and Nana go out shopping. We said we would be back in under an hour and of course we were gone for over 3 and it was feeding time again. Papa, being the great dad and papa he is, didn't hesitate and had it all figured out. He changed you, fed you, and had you sleeping peacefully when we got home. I think you might have worn him out though. He wouldn't admit it, but the picture tells a different story. Priceless!