Monday, September 21, 2009

A day long awaited for...

Roberto and I have been married since March 28, 2009. We decided on our honeymoon that we were ready for God to bless us with a family when he was ready, so we would no longer prevent it from happening. After my first month off birth control we found out on June 16 (the day before Father's day) that I was 5 weeks pregnant! Wow, as if I needed any other sign from God that we were ready! We couldn't be more happy! I have been waiting for this day since I met him. So now the countdown officially begins!


  1. I LOOOOVE, LOOOOVE, LOOOOOVE it! Isn't mommy hood fun already!

  2. Oh yeah, and has some really cute backgrounds!

  3. I am your second follower!!! Wooohoooo welcome to motherhood :) (and blog land)


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