Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Miss Jaelyn's BIG Debut!

So on February 10, 2010 at 1:00am my water broke as I was letting out one of our dogs to potty. Not being ready to go to the hospital since little Jaelyn decided to come 12 days early, we scrambled around the house trying to figure out what all we needed to take with us. We arrived at Baylor of Frisco by 2:15am and the contractions had started. Epidural by 3:15 am and pushing began by 5:30am. At 6:37 am Miss Jaelyn Ashley Martinez makes her big debut! She was a whopping 6lbs 10oz. 19 1/4 inches long! She was absolutely perfect. The labor was a breeze. I would do it all again in a heartbeat!

I just can't express the joy and love I had when I got to finally hold her! I am so glad she came early, I could hardly wait any longer!

Daddy getting to hold her after she put her foot prints on his chest and he got to cut her umbilical cord. He was over joyed with his new daughter!

Our little angel just minutes old.

Mommy and Jaelyn.

1 comment:

  1. I think the name of your blog should be changed now. I'm just sayin'. Life before baby is over. hahaha!


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